Many think that all you have to do to put on make-up is take a brush, dip it in some colorful pigment, and rub it unto your face. But there’s way more to that. Make-up is used for many reasons. Like enhancing features and even transforming your image. I’m still a novice at applying make-up, and since transforming your image is much more complicated that enhancing your features, enhancing my features is what I focused on.
Fortunately, my aunty Christy is a make-up artist and is very informed with make-up. So, she was my mentor throughout this project. The first thing she told me when I asked her about make-up was “It’s great to have brown eyes!” When I asked her why, she told me that you can wear any color eye shadow and it’ll still match and look great. I then asked her about the use of eyeliner. Black, brown, and navy blue are colors that go well with dark colored eyes since it gives the illusion of dilated pupils making your eyes seem bigger. Bold colors don’t really work well with brown eyes, but they do look great with gray, blue, or green eyes. As far as mascara, black is obviously a good choice for all types of eyes. If you want to mix things up a little, pick out a pleasant navy blue. Some really nice eye shadow options for everyone include metallic colors like bronze, silver, copper and champagne. A metallic pink is another fabulous choice for brown eyes. If metallic really isn’t your thing, try a matte beige, brown, green or grey.
To contour or broaden a wide nose to make it slimmer, apply a color two shades darker than your skin tone to the outside of the bridge of your nose and keep the center two shades lighter than your skin tone. To reduce a double chin, this contouring trick will work great. Sweep bronzer under your jawline to make the area diminish. Light makeup colors highlight an area; calling attention to it and making it appear more protruding, so only use light colors on areas you’re your brow bone or cheek bones. Dark shadows create the illusion of a shadow and make areas of the face appear to recede.
After people apply lipstick, they later find out that the color accidentally went on their teeth. To make sure that the color doesn’t go on your teeth, take a napkin and place it between your top and bottom lip. The excess color has now been removed. When applying lip-gloss, the center of your top lip should be the glossiest part, which helps in achieving pouty lips. To get really pretty, plump lips, apply a highlighting color, like a shimmering white, on your cupids bow, the “v” at the top of your lips. Lip liner is very important. The lip liner should match your own lip color, or choose a shade a bit darker than the lipstick you are using. Using a liner will boost the fullness of your lips, and prevent the lipstick from bleeding into the lines around the mouth.
But it’s all up to you. Choose any look you want. Just be sure to have fun and feel fabulous!
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